Monday, December 22, 2014

Exploring Scarlet Acres


Wow, this has been inactive for a while, hasn't it?
The next few blog posts will take a little bit of a different direction, and show off some of the recent stuff I've built in Minecraft.

Our first visit will be to Scarlet Acres, a Minecraft vanilla server I've been playing a lot on recently. The average person on the server is over the age of 18- I'm one of the few on the server who's not an adult. It's whitelisted, so you have to apply to join, and I got in. There are some really cool buildings on the server, and I've added my own.

Also, two things you have to know for these builds I'm about to show you:
First, everything in Scarlet Acres is built in survival mode. That means you don't just have infinite resources to build with: You have to mine, chop down trees, smelt stone, and more to collect building supplies.
Also, I used shaders for this tour. Normally, minecraft looks very simplistic, like this:

However, I used shaders, which make it look like this:

Quite better, right?
Anyways, on to the tour!

The first thing I built on Scarlet Acres was an outpost in the snow biome, where I could store my stuff while I planned my next build. Here's a quick overview:

 (It gets a bit rainy and foggy here, so it's a bit hard to see.)

Inside the castle is a gigantic tunnel, leading straight down to the bottom of the world.

Down here is where I have my mining operation. Both the mining tunnels and the smelting setup are located down here.

Anyways, lets move on to the next place! The other guys on Scarlet Acres have built a nice railway system through the Underworld that transports you easily from place to place. I use it all the time to get to my different bases.

On the way, I picked up the newest edition of The Scuma, a server "newspaper" of a sort that's been running for several months.

Anyways, on to the next outpost! This is built near Luca, a small town in the north. I found an ideal building location in a small cave under a mountain, and expanded it. (Side note: It got too dark to use the previous shader, so I switched. It might look a little different.

As you'll notice, It's quite.... leafy. I added a ton of grass, leaves and vines to give it a "nature" feel, quite unlike my previous build.

Over here, I have an inconspicuous bridge leading to an inconspicuous wall with an inconspicuous lever on it... Oh wait, that's the secret entrance.

Inside here is much safer, as there's no way for monsters to get in.

That's my tour of my outpost bases. Now, on to the real stuff... The Floating Islands!

These are probably my best work on the server. I built a series of 6 interconnecting islands hundreds of feet above the ground, and outfitted each one to have a special purpose. This one is the Fishing Island, where I store my gear for fishing and have a nice lake to fish in.

This is my Farming Island, where I grow carrots, pumpkins, melons, mushrooms, and potatoes. I have a scarecrow to scare away the imaginary birds.

As you can see, it's a very long drop back to earth. I died about 15 times falling to my death while building these islands.

This is the crossroads, connecting all the islands to each other.

Past it is the true attraction here, a giant abandoned robot lying on the final floating island. Inside is my living quarters, along with some other things.

The first floor is a smeltery, so I can smelt up everything I find.

The second floor is a nice living area, with a bar, library, and pool table.

I have one more build I'm currently working on in Scarlet Acres, but it's not finished enough to be shown on here. I'll make an update when it's finished.

Well, that's all of Scarlet Acres I have to show you. Next time we'll be exploring... Modded Minecraft!